Monday, February 9, 2009


First of all, thank you to all that commented on my last blog. I really do love blogging...I just like to hear from Amanda, tell me how you do the thing you wrote about...I'll try to figure it out.! There is so much about this life that I don't understand...why do people that you love so much, hurt you? Why does it seem that they like to see you sad? Why are people selfish?? Why does God give you something and then allow it to go away? Why do you have to grow up? Why does your heart get torn into, but you still manage to love the person that did it?

It was definitely a Monday. I don't know how to explain it, but I am glad that it is almost over. I had a rough day...can you tell??? I just don't understand why guys have to be heartless and hurt you so much?? Why do women fall for the guys that are so hard to please and the ones that are good as gold, women usually don't know what to do with them.

I have wanted nothing more than to find my soul mate and I just don't know where's he's hiding. I have one of the greatest friends in the world, Billy Rushing, and he is someone I couldn't go a day without talking to. He reminded me of God's love, which is the most important, and that I need to fall in love with God and myself first and then the one I am supposed to be with will fall in place. That is so true, but SO hard to do. He also told me that God will be my best friend, if I will allow Him to. How great is it going to be when we all get to walk with God in Heaven??? I hope that He will forgive me and have enough mercy that I get to walk with Him. He is such an amazing friend and I need to be more like him and maybe my life would better...

I don't have a bad life by any means...just down days...and today was one of them... :)

Okay, since this is just depressing, I am going to quit blogging. I love all of you!

Talk to you next time.



  1. are such a sweet person and everytime I've ever been around you....which was a long time have been so happy, even if you are not inside. You just have a positive attitude no matter what. But everyone has a bad day now and then....but tomorrow is a new day and I know it will be better. Just keep that attitude and don't try so hard to find your soulmate and he will find you.(that's the counselor coming out in me, sorry!)

  2. girl......just marry billy!!! ;) no, seriously, i agree about finding God and loving Him and yourself first!! if you can't love yourself, you can't expect anyone else to....

    i already added the clusrmap...and you can see that a lot of people are visiting your blog!

    hope today is better!!! :)

    focus on austin... :)
